If you're Looking for some useful and utility site which is normally used by users, then you've come to the right place. Before using following pages It's important that you've a basic understanding about interenet.
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9. The World Clock - Time Zones !
Understanding Computer Technology :
How an Engineer will Commit Suicide:
Funny Equations! :
Human = eat + sleep + work + enjoy Donkey = eat + sleep Therefore, Human = Donkey + work + enjoy If, Human - enjoy = Donkey + work In other words, Human that don't know enjoy = Donkey that work
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Men = eat + sleep + earn money Donkeys = eat + sleep Therefore, Men = Donkeys + earn money If Men - earn money = Donkeys In other words, Men that don't earn money = Donkeys
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Women = eat + sleep + spend Donkeys = eat + sleep Therefore, Women = Donkeys + spend If, Women - spend = Donkeys In other words, Women that don't spend = Donkeys
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